Friday, June 6, 2008

Character Profiles

(19) Faalan-mind user; golden eyes, brown hair, not related to Fala
-His father died in battle when he was 3 and his mother died when he was 10. He vaguely remembers his father. Before she died, his mother made him promise that he would always take care of Khanna. When he was 17, he began to build the intricate treehouse that he and Khanna lived in for several years. He finished just before turning 18. He never had fallen for someone until he met Fala and now that he accepts that fact, he will do anything to get her back.

(18) Xion-cloud shaper; emerald eyes, red hair (tied back into a ponytail), son of the time traveler in the mountains
-He was born in a quiet village and led a peaceful life. At 16, he fell head over heels with a girl and wanted to marry her. Her father was willing to let the two marry, but wouldn’t let them marry until Xion got his father’s consent. Promising his fiance that he would be back, he left his village and climbed a tree to look at how far he had to go. He slipped, and was stuck in the tree until he met Faalan.

(18*[current time Dyari is 36]) Dyari-time traveler (uses blades to cut hole into the air); emerald eyes, red hair (basically looks exactly like Xion), time traveler in the mountains
-As a young boy, he experimented with his power, but always came back to his time When he was 18, he travelled to the future and fell in love with a young girl named Milai. He knew that he needed to return to his time, so he left Milai, heart-broken and pregnant. He went to the future again shortly after, except 18 years after the time period he had just visited. He arrived to find his son, Xion, exactly the same age and looking for consent to his marriage.

(17 [current time Milai]) Milai-??; blue eyes, blond hair, future wife of Dyari
-She grew up as a common village girl, though very much admired by practically all the boys. Many suitors came to woo her but she turned them all down until she met Dyari. She was fascinated that he came from the past and begged him to tell her all about what life was back then and other times that he had seen. He willingly deed and as their story tellings sessions went on, they fell in love. When Dyari told her that he had to go back to his time, she tried to stop him, but in the end, he left her. She never had the chance to tell him that she was carrying his child.

(13) Yosa-water shifter (ice, liquid water, steam/mist); blue eyes, black hair, older sister of Noiyra
- When she was 7, her sister, Noirya, was born. She didn't want a younger sister, because she felt that her sister took up all the attention. When she ran away from home at age 9, her parents carried Noiyra with them and went searching for their lost daughter. They were killed by a common thief when they wouldn't give up their money as they were searching. Noiyra was spared. Yosa heard Noiyra's cries and ran to the source of the noise to find her sister in a middle of a pool of blood; her parents' blood. Picking up Noiyra, she tried not to cry as she brought her sister back to the village, both ending up covered in blood. She promised to herself that she would take care of Noiyra. Every day, the guilt of her parents' death weighs on her shoulders.

(6) Noiyra- pheonix morpher; green eyes, black hair, younger sister of Yosa
-She doesn't remember the deaths of her parents because she was too young. All her life, she only remembers Yosa taking care of her. She was taken by Zyri because she had the ability to turn into a pheonix, which was believed to be extinct. Zyri, wanting to make money, captured her so that he could make money off of it.

(25) Zyri-earth molder; hazel eyes, dark brown (sometimes seems black), captured Noiyra
-He took Noiyra away from Yosa, but allowed her to take Noiyra away when she gave him the illusion of the Pranji flower. He wanted the flower so that he could show it off for money. His orignal plan was to show off Noiyra as a pheonix, but the flower was even more rare than a pheonix, because it gives good fortune and long life to those who have the chance to see the real thing.

(18) Fala- the melody maker; golden eyes, brown hair
-Her mother died from mysterious illness that even the healers could not heal. Her father wasted away with grief and passed away a few months after his wife. She moved in with Tahi because she had no where else to go. She considers him her boyfriend and tried to remain loyal to him even though she fell for Kaija at one point and became infatuated with Faalan. When she returned to her time, she quickly returned to Tahi’s house because she couldn’t wait to share the news that she finally knew her gift. To her surprise, she found him in his room with the door closed. She gently knocked and then opened the door to find an unknown girl on top of him, laughing and giggling. Tahi tried to explain, but she didn't listen to what he said, she stormed out of the house with her few belongings, tears streaming down her face.
When Faalan showed up just a year after her coming back, she became confused as to what to do. She still had feelings for him, but wanted to remain loyal to Tahi.

(19) Tahi-plant grower; brown eyes, black hair, friend/boyfriend of Fala
-He lived next door to Fala and the two grew up together. When he was 16, he moved away to go to school. When Fala’s parents died, he took her in. He was found by Fala with his sister and he tried to explain that they were playing around for old time's sake, but she wouldn't listen.

*travels through time, so age is a little out of whack with normal time

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